Monday, November 28, 2011

Raphael Moneo

Davis Museum -Wellesley- Rafael Moneo (8)Davis Museum -Wellesley- Rafael Moneo (9)Davis Museum -Wellesley- Rafael Moneo (6)Davis Museum -Wellesley- Rafael Moneo (4)Davis Museum -Wellesley- Rafael Moneo (10)Davis Museum -Wellesley- Rafael Moneo (3)
Davis Museum -Wellesley- Rafael Moneo (11)Davis Museum -Wellesley- Rafael Moneo (5)Davis Museum -Wellesley- Rafael MoneoDavis Museum -Wellesley- Rafael Moneo (7)Davis Museum -Wellesley- Rafael Moneo (2)Cathedral of our lady in Los Angeles by Raphael Moneo
Cathedral of our lady in Los Angeles by Raphael MoneoCathedral of our lady in Los Angeles by Raphael MoneoCathedral of our lady in Los Angeles by Raphael MoneoCathedral of our lady in Los Angeles by Raphael MoneoCathedral of our lady in Los Angeles by Raphael MoneoCathedral of our lady in Los Angeles by Raphael Moneo
Cathedral of our lady in Los Angeles by Raphael MoneoCathedral of our lady in Los Angeles by Raphael MoneoCathedral of our lady in Los Angeles by Raphael Moneo

Raphael Moneo, a set on Flickr.

Pictures of some interesting buildings by architect Raphael Moneo.